World record holder in high altitude diving, Marcel Korkus is a polish technical diver, cave diver and diving instructor,especially is the public safety diver who with many years of experience in working with various underwater environment and as an expert witness in the field of diving and underwater search.
Ocean Plan with polish divers including Marcel and Patrick together to go for an inland freshwater lake with low temperature and low visibility in Wroclaw, and used the Underwater Communication and Navigation System to complete public safety diving subjects such as underwater search and SOS rescue.
Quoted from Marcel Korkus,
“ W dniu wczorajszym we Wrocławiu miałem przyjemność gościć delegację firmy Ocean Plan z Hongkongu. Dokonaliśmy pierwszych w Polsce testów innowacyjnych komputerów nurkowych z funkcją:
✅ wysyłania i odbioru wiadomości pod wodą
✅podwodnego pozycjonowania w czasie rzeczywistym
✅ nawigacji podwodnej 3D
✅ wysyłania sygnału wzywania pomocy SOS
Bez wątpienia urządzenia Ocean Plan są w stanie umożliwić podwodną komunikację i podnieść poziom bezpieczeństwa w nurkowaniu rekreacyjnym, technicznym, komercyjnym, wojskowym i prowadzonych działaniach ratowniczo-poszukiwawczych.”
“All those who interested in testing devices and buying feel free to contact me as a representative of the Ocean Plan brand” said by Marcel Korkus.

With the end of the Covid policies, the development of the marine economy and diving industry has gradually recovered. Ocean Plan will accelerate and expand overseas market deployment, enhance technical support and service capabilities for overseas markets and customers.
Meanwhile,Ocean Plan will actively respond to international and domestic market demands, provide more rich product solutions, and promote the technological innovation and development of diver positioning communication equipment,so to improve the coordination efficiency of underwater activities and ensure diving safety.
#Underwater Communication and Navigation System
#Diving training
#Underwater search and recovery
#Underwater search and rescue
#Diver Recall System